Hollywood has always been known as the land of the skinny celeb – gain a few pounds at your peril and one way or another the paparazzi are sure to catch baglady-esque photos of you, stuffing doughnuts in your mouth at an ungodly hour.
Formerly chunky (using the Hollywood-meter) celebs like Nicole Richie and Kate Bosworth are in every magazine looking bony and gaunt – not exactly the ideal model for young wannabees looking for idols.
In retalliation, the full-figured Kate Winslet, a mother of 2, has been outspoken in her distaste for skinny women being Hollywood’s role models, even banning her husband, director Sam Mendes to speak of the topic at home.
In a recent interview, Kate told the media how she felt that as a role model herself, it was her responsibility to maintain a healthy weight. She said:
“This skinny thing, it angers me so much. It disturbs me. In our house, we don’t talk about weight, we don’t talk about body image.
“I don’t understand the fascination with it. The interest in certain people, like Nicole Richie, in regards to weight, is incredible, and it’s a mystery to me….now, more than ever, I feel this tremendous sense of staying the same shape and saying, ‘Look! I get pimples too!”
“In the past, people have been a little unkind when it comes to discussing my weight, but I’m happy with my shape and size – I work out when I get the time. I accepted a long time ago that I wasn’t going to be able to wear skinny jeans.”
Originally posted on September 22, 2006 @ 12:02 pm